Please note I am not a trained makaton tutor but have experience with makaton through some training.
Please note I am not a trained Makaton tutor but do have experience with Makaton from training.
This board is a fun way to segment and blend and practise those skills for reading and writing. I have chosen ‘oa’ for my main sound but you can choose any you like. Just think of words with that main sound in and put those sounds on the board (you don’t need more than one of the same sound). Once the board is ready, the children copy the words and press each sound on the board whilst saying them (segmenting) and then slowly blend those sounds back together to read the word.
Mr Beeston shares one of his favourite stories...
A digraph is two letters which make one sound
I will sound out a selection of objects in my sound bag for you to blend back together at home. There is a challenge at the end so have some paper and a pen/pencil ready!